IMS Pro/ Inbox Manager Features Comparison

In our v2 Release Candidate announcement, we posted plans for the v2 product line, including a description of the features in IMS Pro, our full-featured Information Management System, and Inbox Manager Personal Edition, our free email prioritization and inbox management solution.  For more detail, here’s a high level features comparison:


– This feature is limited for non-licensed customers.
* Features available to licensed Inbox Manager customers only

See our previous post for more detail on these two products and some screen prints.


  1. The plugin is great and I cannot now imagine working without it.
    A feature request that I would love to see is DELETE THREAD. It is so obvious I am sure there is a reason that you did not include it – can you let me in on the reason?

  2. Thanks for the suggestion, Chris. Yes, we hope to include this in a future build of the product. Watch the blog – we’ll be posting an updated product plan in the near future that talks about 2.x and beyond.