Product Update: Project Archive
A product update is rolling out with the following improvements and fixes:

- Project Archive: A new function has been added to manage completed Projects. This will relocate items such as the Project folder, messages*, notes, tasks and appointments belonging to a Project to an archive location outside the active workspace. Additionally, the archived Project will be unassigned from any message conversations and no longer used for Project suggestions. This function is accessed from the Dashboard Project Detail screen.
- Move Project: The Project folder being moved/renamed will now be deleted when possible.
- Organizer: Column sorting is now remembered for the list according to the last use. The setting is remembered individually for each view tab (Dates, Project, Context, Recent, Weekly Planner, Review Completed).
- Dashboard Project Detail: Like the Organizer the task list column sort is now remembered.
- Dashboard: improve colored text contrast in dark mode.
- Performance Improvement: Resolve a conflict with the Outlook Dictate function where excessive slowdowns would occur.
- Bug Fix: Address positioning problem for action windows launched from the Ribbon toolbar, such as the Project selection window, when the computer is configured with multiple screens with different display scaling settings.
* Note: folders and messages are not relocated for Procesed Mail/single folder filing
The update is being delivered now to users on the beta update channel, will roll out soon to the early update channel, followed by all users in the next few weeks. The build number in the About screen will show as 2007.0.