Just a quick note to announce the production release of the Pending Tab for the Dashboard. The new Pending functionality streamlines the main Dashboard task list to those are actionable and moves Followup and check later type to-dos to the Pending list. See full details in our previous notes here and here.
The update is rolling out to Beta and Early Adopter channels now and will continue with all users shortly.
Posted by ClearContext at 11:51 am on March 23rd, 2018.
Categories: Uncategorized.

We have decided to do one more quick beta update as a new capability has been added to the new Pending functionality. Tasks tagged with specific context categories can now be listed in the Pending tab and excluded from the regular Dashboard task list.
By default, tasks with an @pending category will be managed in the Pending list. The context categories used for the Pending list can be customized by clicking on the gear icon in the Pending tab. Commonly used GTD categories such as @waiting or @someday may be ones that you want to define as Pending categories.
Unless we encounter any unexpected difficulties, this beta version will be transitioning to production later this month.
Posted by ClearContext at 8:42 am on March 9th, 2018.
Categories: Uncategorized.