Some IMS v3 Feedback

In addition to the on10 interview with Deva, there have been several posts about IMS v3 over the last week that I wanted to share.

Joel P. Bruckenstein in the Morningstar Advisor has posted a very detailed review of IMS 3.0 in How to Increase Your Productivity in Outlook:

“In essence, IMS Pro uses artificial intelligence to act as a personal assistant for your e-mail. It saves time for users by automatically identifying which messages need immediate attention and which ones can be addressed at a later time; but it does much more.”

Jeff Sandquist over at Microsoft is a ClearContext customer and has posted links to his productivity article Kicking your inboxes butt along with this gem about IMS Pro:

“I’ve recently moved to the ClearContext product from NetCentrics Getting Things Done Add-In.  I absolutely love the ClearContext product.”

Mike Gunderloy refreshed his review of ClearContext in the Daily Grind:

“One nice touch is the ability to designate a set of Exchange Server public folders or a set of SharePoint discussion lists as a secondary message store, and then to use ClearContext’s features to file messages into that store as well as into the primary store. This opens the possibility of using ClearContext as a lightweight collaborative tool as well as a personal productivity tool.”

Finally, long time user Ken Robertson posted his experience with v3:

“I’ve been using 3.0 for about a month now and absolutely love it!  Before Vista RTM’d, I was using their beta version with Office 2007 B2TR.  I was impressed with the beta, and I’m even more impressed with the final version…”

Thanks for the love, guys – you’ve made my weekend!