Posts from December 2006.

Video: IMS Quick Tips Tutorial

I have been enhancing our tutorials page, putting together four short instructional videos on IMS Pro.  The first tutorial contains some quick tips on maximizing ClearContext use, specifically instructions for using Defer, Unsubscribe and Follow-up.  Here’s it is for your viewing pleasure:

[A direct link to this Windows Media Video is here.]

For a higher quality version of the video, see our tutorials page.  I’ll be posting other tutorials over the next few days.

Some IMS v3 Feedback

In addition to the on10 interview with Deva, there have been several posts about IMS v3 over the last week that I wanted to share.

Joel P. Bruckenstein in the Morningstar Advisor has posted a very detailed review of IMS 3.0 in How to Increase Your Productivity in Outlook:

“In essence, IMS Pro uses artificial intelligence to act as a personal assistant for your e-mail. It saves time for users by automatically identifying which messages need immediate attention and which ones can be addressed at a later time; but it does much more.”

Jeff Sandquist over at Microsoft is a ClearContext customer and has posted links to his productivity article Kicking your inboxes butt along with this gem about IMS Pro:

“I’ve recently moved to the ClearContext product from NetCentrics Getting Things Done Add-In.  I absolutely love the ClearContext product.”

Mike Gunderloy refreshed his review of ClearContext in the Daily Grind:

“One nice touch is the ability to designate a set of Exchange Server public folders or a set of SharePoint discussion lists as a secondary message store, and then to use ClearContext’s features to file messages into that store as well as into the primary store. This opens the possibility of using ClearContext as a lightweight collaborative tool as well as a personal productivity tool.”

Finally, long time user Ken Robertson posted his experience with v3:

“I’ve been using 3.0 for about a month now and absolutely love it!  Before Vista RTM’d, I was using their beta version with Office 2007 B2TR.  I was impressed with the beta, and I’m even more impressed with the final version…”

Thanks for the love, guys – you’ve made my weekend!