Archive Sent Messages in Outlook

In our 2005 Email Usage Survey,
a third of respondents said they file/categorize sent mail.  I don’t
know which is worse; that 67% of respondents have given up on
organizing half of their email or that 33% waste time doing so.

ClearContext Inbox Manager
takes the burden of organizing and archiving sent mail off of the
user.  For all sent messages with Topics assigned to them, ClearContext
will automatically move the message from the Outlook Sent Mail folder
to the associated Topic Folder.  This keeps sent and received messages
with the same Topic in the same place for easy reference.

To enable and use this option, check the box next to Save Sent Messages on the ClearContext Preferences menu (Tools > Options > ClearContext > Preferences).
If you are replying to a message that already has a Topic assigned to
it, the Topic will automatically be assigned to the outgoing message
and it will be stored in the appropriate Topic Folder.  If you are
sending a new message or replying to one that has not been assigned a
Topic yet, select a Topic from the ClearContext Message toolbar before
sending.  Voila!  Your sent mail is instantly organized saving you both
time and frustration.

For more detail on managing the inbox via ClearContext’s automated filing capability, see our User Guide.