Email Usage Survey Update

Thanks to everyone who has taken the survey so far.  We’re at over 200 responses and and have given out over 20 free licenses (math experts might note that one in ten respondents gets a free license).  The responses are still coming in, so we’re going to keep the survey open for another week or two and publish the results here shortly afterwards. 

If you’re interested in the results of this survey, please help us get the best possible results by taking the survey yourself and forwarding it to anyone who might be interested.  Here are a few interesting facts we’re seeing so far.  Keep in mind that the respondents group is largely comprised of tech-savvy individuals who are involved to some degree in the blogging community.

  • No surprise that pretty much nobody has a single email account anymore.  Most have 4-6.
  • Among our respondent group, slightly more people have Gmail webmail accounts than Hotmail or Yahoo accounts.
  • Most people get at least 50 emails per day.  And many people get well over 100 per day.
  • Most of that email is work-related, leading many people to constantly check their email.
  • Even with all the anti-spam products out there that this group is using, spam remains the single most frustrating thing about email.

Thanks again for taking part in this survey.  We look forward to sharing and discussing the full results shortly, especially some of the more innovative techniques people are using to efficiently deal with the neverending onslaught of email.