Is your inbox stuffed with Facebook updates, Linked in requests, shopping offers, newsletters and all manner of flotsam? Do those emails coming in obscure the emails you need to deal with, or even worse distract and pull you away from things you need to get done? Some sources estimate that more than 80% of emails received are these types of automated, low priority messages.
ClearContext Autofile can help thin out this morass of non-urgent email. AutoFile quickly and automatically declutters your inbox so that you can focus on what’s important and get things done. Out of the box, Autofile has built in filing rules for the many common sources of automated email including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and Evite and many more. Additionally, additional sources of unimportant email you receive can be added instantly with one click – diverting all future email out of your Inbox.
ClearContext reports on these AutoFiled emails once a day in a digest, so they don’t get lost or forgotten. Instead, you can review the list of these emails efficiently at the time best for you. It’s hard enough keeping up with the constant stream of emails arriving in your Inbox without all the distractions – ClearContext can help condense down your incoming messages to those that are most important.